Series: All In - 1/17/21

January 17, 2021
January 17th, 2021 Message Notes:
The greatest commandment, given by Jesus, tells us to love God with all our soul - the entirety of our life and being.
We must love God with every part of our life and being.
Mark 12:28-31
Giving our heart to Christ is more than saying a prayer, it’s a transplant of new life.
It’s me taking the freedom from my past, present and future and giving my all to God.
It’s me, understanding that this life is no longer about me, me, me and all about giving glory and honor to God.
It’s me fully accepting who God made me because I’m made in His image.
Matthew 16:24-26
The key to this passage is understanding what Jesus meant by “take up his cross.”
In Matthew 10:38 Jesus mentions this to the disciples and is the first mention of the word “cross” to them.
To them and many, when a cross was talked about it had a dark picture of punishment and death.
But if we really focus in on what Jesus is asking here by saying “take up his cross” we will fully understand our purpose in life.
Jesus is asking for total commitment from them and us - even until death.
That we make this a full calling on our life and to proclaim/share this message of freedom to others.
Jesus makes this call throughout His ministry as recorded in Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14:27.
There is full reward for understanding this call to action.
Matthew 10:39
For us who come to Christ fully understanding the call and faith in Him, there will be true and eternal life.
We don’t have a “soul” we are a “soul.”
Our soul describes us as a whole human race.
This life we live is more than us, it’s all about others and all about Him.
This gift of life that we have received is not meant to be kept to ourselves but to be shared with others.
Will you go All In with your soul?
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