Series: Best Summer Ever

July 25, 2021
This weeks message is from Pastor Caleb Moore, who serves as our First Responders Pastor.
Text: John 9:1-9
The blind man and his story.
How do we let God have Control?
  • Trust God’s plan in your life.
  • Let go of the past and focus on the future.
  • Be comfortable in the uncomfortable.
  • The “Let go and let God” mantra.
  • Be willing to lose control.
The mud in our lives.
  • People didn’t believe he was blind before.
  • People won’t believe you are the new person you are.
  • They will question you, people you know, anyone to try to get what they believe is the truth.
  • The blind man kept pointing them back to Jesus.
  • Once we surrender control then God can come full circle in our lives.
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