Test: John 17:1-26
Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4 is known as “The Lord’s Prayer.”
- It was a prayer taught to the disciples by Jesus as a pattern for prayer.
Here in John 17:1-26 we see a prayer showing face-to-face communion Jesus and God had.
The prayer recorded here summarizes key themes in the Gospel of John:
- Jesus’ faithful submission to the Father.
- Jesus’ commitment to glorify the Father.
- Jesus’ election and protection of His disciples.
- Their witness to a hostile world.
- Their unity with Christ and with one another.
- The glorious future that awaits them.
The prayer is broken down into three parts:
- Jesus’ prayer for Himself (v.1-5).
- Jesus’ prayer for the apostles (v.6-19).
- Jesus’ prayer for all NT believers who will form the church (v.20-26).
the hour has come” – verse 1
Jesus acknowledges the time for His death is near.
The goal is that the Son will be glorified through His death as the sacrifice to glorify the Father’s love for the world.
There is a redemptive plan being carried out by Jesus to honor God.
- His life so that we can have life.
glorify me in your own presence” – verse 5
Jesus having completed His mission looks past the Cross and ask to be returned to the glory that He shared with the Father before the world began.
son of destruction” – verse 12
Judas was not a failure on Jesus’ part, but was foreseen and foreordained in Scripture (Ps. 41:9; 109:8; John 13:18).
I consecrate myself” – verse 19
Jesus was set apart for the Father’s will.
Jesus did that in order that believers might be set apart to God by the truth Jesus brought.
the glory that you have given me” – verse 22
Refers to the believer’s participation in all of the attributes and essence of God through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. (“I in them”)
Verse 25-26 closes out the prayer and promises the continuing indwelling of Christ and His love.
Even in the coming of Jesus’ suffering, He is able to demonstrate how to love, serve and pray.
In the midst of our chaos, we need to push ourself to stay true to our calling and show His love to all and serve like He did, no matter the cost.