Job experienced deep suffering, and though he didn’t come away with all the answers to his questions, he realized that God is in control, even during dark moments.
We don’t always get through difficult circumstances with a clear-cut answer. Yet we can trust our sovereign God.
In this “excursion,” we’re shown God’s sovereignty.
What are we to think of God when life is difficult?
Though it happened long ago, Job’s story is ours too.
Job 1:1–22; 38:1–39:30
Job is set up in the beginning of the book as “blameless and upright” (1:1) and is even described by God as “my servant” and “none like him on the earth” (1:8).
Job’s many blessings are listed, but when calamity comes upon him, the progression of the list is reversed.
In Job 1:2–3 Job’s blessings are listed in the sequence:
1) sons and daughters.
2) herds of sheep and camels.
3) oxen and donkeys.
4) servants.
Job doesn’t just lose possessions and family; he also loses his health, courtesy of loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.
When you think of God, your Creator and Father, what comes to your mind?
If you were Job, would you survive and still trust and love God?
If everything was taken away from you, where would your relationship be with God?