Series: Trinity - 2/28/21

February 28, 2021
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Why do we bottle up the Holy Spirit?
Why are we afraid of the Holy Spirit?
Jesus said it would be better for us for the Holy Spirit to come then for Jesus to remain on earth.
John 14:15-17
John 14:26
Yet the Holy Spirit is often the most neglected person of the Trinity in the church and our daily lives.
We need to learn about and worship not only the Father and the Son, but also the Holy Spirit.
So why do we need to understand the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the point at which the Trinity becomes personal to the believers.
John 16:5-15
We generally think:
  • The Father as transcendent and far off in Heaven.
  • The Son seems far removed in history and thus relatively unknowable.
  • The Holy Spirit is active within the lives of believers.
The Holy Spirit is resident within us.
The Holy Spirit is the particular person of the Trinity through whom the entire Triune Godhead currently works in us.
The Holy Spirit is important that we live in the period in which the Holy Spirit’s work is more prominent than that of the other members of the Trinity.
  • The Father’s work was within the Old Testament.
  • The Son’s within the period covered by the Gospel and up to ascension.
  • The Holy Spirit has occupied the center of the stage from the time of Pentecost on, that is, the period covered by the Book of Acts and the Epistles, and the ensuing periods of church history.
It’s primarily through the Holy Spirit’s work that we feel God’s presence within us.
The Holy Spirit is God’s presence on earth and God’s presence inside of believers.
Any experience we have had or will have with God on earth is through the Holy Spirit.
We need to start noticing the way God is at work in our life and around us and give the Holy Spirit praise.
As we seek the Lord, He fills us with His Spirit until we overflow.
Romans 8:9
1st Corinthians 6:19-20
For many, we often believe what makes us comfortable.
When really the Holy Spirit wants to shake us and make us uncomfortable for God’s glory.
When we become comfortable there is no growth in our life.
  • Because it’s all about me.
When we become uncomfortable there is growth and movement.
  • Because it’s all about Him.
Acts 1:4-5
Acts 2 – The Holy Spirit moves like never before.
The Epistles tell us of the Holy Spirit’s amazing power at work in us, our Spirit-enabled ability to put our sin to death through Christ, and the supernatural gifts He gives us to bring glory to the Father.
If it’s true that the Holy Spirit dwells in us, then shouldn’t there be a huge difference between the person I was and the person I am today?
When was the last time you saw the Holy Spirit at work in and around you?
We see what we want to believe and hold that close to us.
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