Series: What's Next

September 26, 2021
We can know our purpose with certainty, but we must pay attention to what God is revealing.
Making an eternal difference in the lives of others is everyone’s ultimate purpose of life.
God created me on purposefor a purpose.
Recognize your influence.
Exercise your influence.
KNOWING that I was changed gives me the BELIEF that others can be changed and a PASSION to help them see that.
Jesus calls us to be positive change servants.
We make changes when we…
Hurt enough that we have to.
See enough that we are inspired to.
Learn enough we want to.
Receive enough that we are able to.
Transformation begins in me.
  1. Value People – “Connecting
-       Matthew 25:35-40 
Jesus values people so much, that when we add value to people ... He takes It person­ally!
My perspective towards you determines my attitude towards you:
If I see you as weak, I will help you.
If I see you as broken, I will fix you.
If I see you a needy, I will serve you.
  1. Add value to people – “Influencing
Every Day - Value - Think - Look - Do - Encourage
-       1 Corinthians 9:19-23
-       Romans 15:1-2 
  1. Live good values – “Attracting
-       Galatians 5:22-23 (have text on slide)
Open your eyes
The best way to change the world, is to change our world.
We do that one person at a time.
Take note of….. (these can come up on the same slide one at a time)
-       Your people.
-       Your place.
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